Investment is time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefits actualized within a specified date or time frame. Investment has a different meaning in finance from that in economics. In finance, investment is buying or creating an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends (profit), interest earnings, rents, or some combination of these returns.
Corporate Deposit

Corporate Deposits are loan arrangements where a specific amount of funds is placed on deposit under the name of the account holder. The money placed on deposit earns a fixed rate of interest, according to the terms and conditions that govern the account. The actual amount of the fixed rate can be influenced by such factors at the type of currency involved in the deposit, the duration set in place for the deposit, and the location where the deposit is made.
Benefits of investing in Company Fixed Deposits
- High interest.
- Short-term deposits.
- Lock-in period is only 6 months.
- No Income Tax is deducted at source if the interest income is up to Rs 5,000 in one financial year
- Investment can be spread in more than one company, so that interest from one company does not exceed Rs. 5,000
Fixed Maturity Plan

These are closed ended debt schemes with a fixed maturity date and they invest in debt & money market instruments maturing on or before the date of the maturity of the scheme.
FMPs, are the equivalent of a fixed deposit in a bank, with a little difference. The FMP’s returns are only indicated and not ‘guaranteed’, Since the fund house knows the interest rate that it will earn on its investments, it can provide ‘indicative returns’ to investors.FMPs are debt schemes, where the corpus is invested in fixed-income securities.
Where do FMP’s invest ?
FMPs usually invest in certificate of deposits (CDs), commercial papers (CPs), money market instruments, corporate bonds and sometimes even in bank fixed deposits. Depending on the tenure of the FMP, the fund manager invests in a combination of the above-mentioned instruments of similar maturity. Say if the FMP is for a year, then the fund manager invests in paper maturing in one year.
Tenure of FMPs’
TThe tenure can be of different maturities, from one month to three years. They are closed-ended in nature, which means that once the NFO (new fund offer) closes, the scheme cannot accept any further investment.
These FMP NFOs are generally open for 2 to 3 days and are marketed to corporates and well-heeled, high net-worth individuals. Nevertheless, the minimum investment is usually Rs 5,000 and so a retail investor can comfortably invest too.
FMP’s are investment options for sure if you want to park your money for short term. They are more tax efficient and give better post-tax returns. Though returns are not 100% guaranteed, they are almost risk free (remember almost).
54 EC Bonds

These bonds are exemted fro income tax and have attractive intrest rate. Since compnay have better credit rating they have better safety on returns, also option of holding bonds in “Demat Form” makes your investment easy to handle and monitor.
Capital Gain be saved Under Sec 54EC or Sec 54F, if the land or property sold is non agriculture. We deal in such bonds which qualify for Sec 54EC Bonds.
- Tax can be saved under Section 54 EC by investing in bonds
- Tax can be saved under Section 54 F by investment in New residential house
To claim Section 54 EC following conditions is to be satisfied.
- Long Term Capital Asset Long term assets means any capital asset held by assessee for more than 3 Years.
- If assesee has sold the Long term capital asset during the previous year and made a long term capital gain then he can invest money of capital gain in Capital gain bonds and can save tax on long term capital gain.
- Assessee here means all type of assessees,like individual,firm company etc.
- Amount to be invested in bonds is only capital gain not net consideration received on sale of long term capital asset
- Amount exempted under this section will be amount of capital gain or amount invested in capital gain bond which ever is lower maximum up to 50Lakh(see note below)
- These Bonds Maturity Period is Five years
- Capital gain bonds eligible under this section are now can be issued only by REC or NABARD
- Bonds can not be pledged ,sold transfer before completion of three year from purchase of bonds ,and in case its transferred then amount capital gain exempted on investment in these bonds will be made taxable in that previous year as Long term capital gain .
- Amount of capital gain should be invested in Capital gain bond within 6 Month from date of transfer/sale of capital asset .
One more good news for you that 50 lakh Limit is for each financial year. As your six month limit is fall in two different Financial years so you can save 50 lakh in fy 2008-09 and 50 lakh in one can save upto maximum of one crore of capital gain u/s 54EC.